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Revision of Alexis Hart from Thu, 07/26/2012 - 09:34

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Dr. D. Alexis Hart, Ph.D., University of Georgia
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Alexis Hart joined the VMI faculty in 2004. Prior to becoming a full-time academic, she served 6 years on active duty as a Navy Supply Corps Officer. She spent three years onboard the USS ESSEX (LHD-2), serving one year each as the disbursing/postal officer, the sales and services officer, and the logistics/expediting officer. She then completed a shore tour at the Navy Supply Corps School in Athens, GA as a disbursing/postal instructor.

Hart teaches courses in writing and rhetoric, including first-year composition, advanced composition, technical writing, professional editing and design, web writing, and oral communication. She has published essays on computers and writing, including “Performing the Personal in On-Line Writing Classes” in Role Play: Distance Learning and the Teaching of Writing and ": Reforming Composition with XML" in Literary and Linguistic Computing. She serves as the Interviews co-editor for Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy and as a member of the editorial board of Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, a Creative Commons free textbook project. She is the co-author of Prentice Hall Literature Portfolio, a first-year writing textbook "organized around the guiding principle that reading and writing are complementary skills that need to be taught together," and co-edited a special issue of Kairos: Issue 14.3 (Summer 2010): Dot-Mil: Rhetoric, Technology, and the Military.

With Dr. Roger Thompson, Hart is currently researching military veterans' transitions into college writing classrooms, a project funded by a $10,000 Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Research Initiative Grant.

In addition to teaching and research, Hart serves as the Executive Editor of VMI's undergraduate writing journal, New Horizons.

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