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In this thread, you can make note of your findings, impressions, and questions as you browse the tree -- and discuss all these with other users of the tree. What do you notice? What does that make you wonder?
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Not sure how something works, or where to go to make something happen? Check this forum first: maybe someone has already asked and answered your question. And if not, by asking here you'll draw on the attention and expertise of site admins and users alike.
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Something crashing? Not behaving the way the instructions say it should? Please let us know! The site admins will do our best to fix it as soon as we can.
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Have an idea for how to improve the site? Let us know! But please do be patient: while we'd all like this project to be the best it can be, we're also all volunteers, and some features may require extensive research and testing.
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Got something to say that doesn't fit in the above categories? Share it here, and get feedback in turn from other users of the site.
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by Dr. Radut