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Welcome to the Writing Studies Tree!

The WST is an online, crowdsourced database of academic genealogies within writing studies; in other words, it is an interactive archive for recording and mapping scholarly relationships in Composition and Rhetoric and adjacent disciplines.

To add or edit content, you must be logged in; use the form at the right to request an account or enter your username and password. Once that's done, you can use menu on the top of your screen to explore the network of people and institutions, create new nodes within that network, or participate in discussions about what you've discovered or where to go next. You can also build connections: just look for the Add Relationships toolbox on the page of any individual person or school.

Not sure where to start? Try the full network, check out our FAQ, or view our video walkthrough. Further help on this process is forthcoming. In the meantime, let us know if you have any suggestions!

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by Dr. Radut