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Cultural rhetorics

Alexander Slotkin

Full Name: 
Dr. Alexander Slotkin, PhD

Lucy Johnson

Full Name: 
Ms. Lucy Anne Johnson , PhD Candidate

Lucy Johnson is a Doctoral Candidate in Rhetoric and Composition at Washington State University. Her research focuses on visual and digital rhetoric, tracing early contact-era Latin American rhetoric and contemporary visual literacy and hybrid composing through the lens of decolonial theory. Prior to pursuing her PhD, she earned her MA in English Pedagogy at Northern Michigan University, focusing on the application of multimodal pedagogy within first-year composition.

Jil McKay Chrobak

Full Name: 
Dr. Jill McKay Chrobak, PhD

Tina Powell

Full Name: 
Dr. Tina Lynn Powell, PhD

Derek M. Sparby

Full Name: 
Dr. Derek M Sparby

Beth Keller

Full Name: 
Beth Keller

Alice Myatt

Full Name: 
Dr. Alice Johnston Myatt, Ph. D. English / Composition & Rhetoric

Malea Powell

Full Name: 
Dr. Malea Powell, Ph.D.

Cheryl Ball

Full Name: 
Cheryl E. Ball, MFA, PhD
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by Dr. Radut