Jessica Reyman
“Authorship and Ownership of User Contributions on the Social Web.” Cultures of Copyright. Eds. Danielle DeVoss and Martine Courant Rife. Peter Lang, 2014. pp. 108-124. Co-authored with Timothy R. Amidon.
"User Data on the Social Web: Authorship, Agency, and Appropriation" College English 75.5 (May 2013) 513-522
Guest Editor, special issue of Technical Communication Quarterly on "Technical Communication and the Law." 20(1): 2011. Co-edited with Mary Lay Schuster.
The Rhetoric of Intellectual Property: Copyright Law and the Regulation of Digital Culture. Routledge, 2010.
"Property, Theft, Piracy: Rhetoric and Regulation in MGM Studios v. Grokster." Book Chapter for Composition and Copyright. Ed. Steve Westbrook. SUNY Press, 2009. 9-30.
"Rethinking Plagiarism for Technical Communication." Technical Communication. 55(1): 2008. 61-67.
"Copyright, Distance Education, and the TEACH Act: Implications for Teaching Writing." College Composition and Communication. 58(1): 2006. 30-45.
Has studied at
- University of Minnesota, earning a(n) PhD in 2006.