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Jessica Enoch

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Dr. Jessica Enoch, Ph.D.
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From http://www.english.umd.edu/profiles/jenoch:

"Jessica Enoch’s teaching and research focus on feminist rhetorics and pedagogies, rhetorical education, histories of rhetoric and composition, as well as literacy studies.

Her book, Refiguring Rhetorical Education: Women Teaching African American, Native American, and Chicano/a Students, revisits the seemingly innocuous figure of the nineteenth-century female teacher to investigate the radical iterations of rhetorical education that Lydia Maria Child, Zitkala Ša, Jovita Idar, Marta Peña, and Leonor Villegas de Magnón produced (Southern Illinois UP, 2008). She has also published work on rhetorics of gendered space, feminist historiographic and archival research methods, Chicana rhetorics, and Kenneth Burke."

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