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List of People

By default, the people below are listed alphabetically by last name. To sort by a different field, e.g. to see the most recent entries on top, use the drop-down menus and click "Apply." (NB: Asc means "ascending," and Desc means "descending.")

To add or view relationships between people, click on the name of the person you'd like to start with.

Last updated on 2013-Jul-12 at 4:37pm EDT.
Last updated on 2011-Dec-09 at 3:02pm EST.


List of Relations

The formatting of the table below will hopefully improve over time. For now, here's how to interpret it: in each row, the two connected entities (either people or schools) are listed such that the "subject" of the relationship (the verb, that is) will appear on top, and the "object" will appear on the bottom. For example, if you see

Entity Entity_type
Sondra Perl node
Ben Miller node
mentored as dissertation chair

it means that Sondra Perl mentored Ben Miller as his dissertation chair.

List of Schools and Institutions

Strangely, the search couldn't find any people in the tree. As this is likely an error, please contact the site admin and explain that this is happening; we'll do our best to get to the bottom of it.


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Panel | by Dr. Radut