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Studied at....

Everything else, when adding a new node, comes with a searchable box that locates the person or the program, but to search for university, I have to page through gobs of pages to find my school. Why can't this field be treated the same as the other fields?

benmiller314's picture

Hi, Joyce, and thanks for the comment! Just to clarify, it sounds like you're not talking about the basic "studied at" relationship that links a person to a school, but rather the "this took place at" field that modifies a link between two people: e.g. if you want to say where you chaired a particular dissertation.

The ugliness you're seeing is a known bug that we've not yet been able to fix: see my earlier comment on the bug reports forum. The root of the problem is in the distinction I described above: for this field, we're building a relationship in which one of the endpoints is a relationship rather than a node per se, and so the code has to change to reflect that. It's actually a separate helper module that's still, well, in need of quite a bit further code changes.

Exactly *how* it would have to change is a bit beyond our skill level at the moment, but we'd love to get some help with this! We've recently received a second small grant from the CUNY Graduate Center's Provost Digital Innovation initiative, with money earmarked for programming and workflow improvements. If you or someone else reading this forum would like to look under the hood, please contact us at admin(at)writingstudiestree.org!

All best, and thanks again,

benmiller314's picture

I almost forgot to mention that there is a workaround for the time being:

  1. skip the field when first saving the relation in the sidebar;
  2. click on the link to the new relation after you've saved it, either in the green "success" alert that pops up initially or by clicking on the dates that appear in the list of relations;
  3. edit that relation and add the field there, where the helper module is at least a little bit more functional.

It does still require extra work, which no one is thrilled about, but it's still better than scrolling through all those glitchy pages.

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