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MFA chair/committee member

First, thank you so much for this amazing site! I could spend hours here. I fear that I *will* spend hours here, in fact. Good thing it's spring break!

The feature I would like to see is the addition of "MFA Thesis Chair" and "MFA Thesis Committee Member." Those were very important relationships for me, and I suspect for others as well.

Again, thanks for all your work here. It's truly impressive.



alicastro's picture


Thank you so much! I selfishly hope you do spend hours here, because it will help us to develop a robust database! If you use the site for research, please let us know so we can include you in the (potential) follow-up presentation on the progress of this project.

There are now several requests for MA and MFA specific relationship types, so we will work on adding those over the next week. Thank you for offering specific language for those relations.


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