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Adding non-work/non-student relationships?

Hi all,

I noticed that there's a "Relationships Formed Here" option under Institutions. I was hoping to use that (if it's the right option) to indicate the relationship I had between myself and the Oslo School of Architecture and Design while I was on a Fulbright there. But I can't figure out what to put in the Endpoint area. Suggestions? Or is that not how we're supposed to use that option? (Assuming that options works?) Thanks!

benmiller314's picture

Hi, and thanks for a good question! The option is a little kludgier than we'd like, but leaving aside the UI problems, what you're running up against are the endpoint assumptions we made in setting up that feature. The "Relationships formed here" Relation type requires that one of the endpoints be an existing Relation: e.g. a Worked Alongside (Person-Person) or Mentored (also Person-Person). It then connects that entire relationship to an Institution. To indicate which relationship, you'll need the Relation ID, which you can find by clicking on (or hovering the cursor over) the relationship details on the individual view of either endpoint; the number at the end of the URL is the Relation ID.

For example, your "Co-edited a journal" relationship with Doug Eyman is located at http://www.writingstudiestree.org/relation/673. To indicate that this relationship was formed at Kairos, you could go to the Kairos page, Add Relation of type "Relationships formed here include," and enter "673" as Endpoint 2. Autocomplete volunteers "673 [relation:673]," and that's what you'd select.

We'l be considering some schema revisions for WST 2.0, so if you have suggestions for how this relation type might work better or differently, please do let us know! For example, would your Fulbright make more sense to you as an entirely new Person-Institution relation type that is not based on work or study, or as a (potentially new) sub-type of "worked at"? Or are there Person-Person relations between you and others at Oslo that wouldn't work under the existing Person-Person types and subtypes?

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